Wednesday, September 30, 2015


The dichotomy of FB, so frustrating at times, yet through FB one can find so many talented artists creative and fun people from all over the world if you look for the good; lately I seem finally better at finding the good.

Not sure how long it will last but i now have a record 72 persons on my page; and it's been at least a week since someone quit me or had to leave. smile emoticon Getting better at articulating my purpose here. I have a lot of time and there's are more self-destructive ways i could and have spent my time. I like to write I like to take photos I post way way way too much. I love Diana Ross, most music other than opera or country, cabaret and jazz especially, in drag or not, i especially like to plug those creative artists without celebrity status or film or recording contracts, community based artists. I am perhaps way too passionate about social justice issues and politics. I used to like to debate or argue but i no longer find pleasure in that. Everyone has enough stress unless you like being challenged your FB should not cause stress. I have learned the hard way by suffering the effects of my occasionally volcanic temperament rudely displayed on others' pages.
After way too many years of being edited by my former government employer, I especially value that this page is mine all mine my rules; talk about a control freak this space is what I have control over. If you ignore a post, I can deduce you felt anywhere from indifferent to disgust or anywhere in between. I like to see likes so if you like something like it. I really don't want to read on MY page what YOU don't like. In return, I will not express negativity on your page.
As well, I will not object to negative posts on your page. So please don't object to my occasional or frequent rants on my page. Feel free to bash Diana Ross or Hillary Clinton on your page without a peep from me. And don't be surprised to find ranting on my page from the serious to the trivial. I am not trying to tell you how to manage your page; but only I decide how to manage mine.
A few things that are sure to make me go volcanic will be criticisms of Diana or Hillary on MY page alone. I am also beyond these petty celebrity fan feuds; someone likes this one not that. And it's way past time folks stopped dishing Florence, Mary, or Diana - they were young, life happens they didn't hate each other neither should we. Nothing wrong with preferring one over another, they are all different and so are we. Not to say there wasn't tension from time to time or still to this day but that's for them to work out. And yes I'll confess to my share of dishing, but then it is MY page.
Finally, I have been musing about the opposite - someone's on your page, or you are on theirs - and you're just not into it anymore, you can't stand to see one more post on Diana or Hillary or I think your page is boring. I still like to have people because what they do is fascinating or worthwhile or important and i like to maintain awareness even if I don't post or like something.
But I am thinking of creating something that says, I like you but I don't like your FB page and i have way too many news feeds. Here's my email if you want to stay in touch. No hard feelings, no leaving in a huff, etc. I am not trying to have the most people; I would like to have people who wish to be here and find something of value, interest, or humor.
So remember when i said i like to write? See how long this is? Well for the newbies i will post a link to my blog and you'll really see what too much is.
But as i like long form more than short form, I am really trying to transition to the blog and post links on my FB page to new blog posts. First i need to fix or replace my computer but i can do that soon. My C drive shrunk, no one knows why. I cannot view any videos you post or listen to music you post. But I have all my stuff on an external drive so I can access that just fine. Little trouble accessing the internet. I will make one more attempt now that I am about to have completed resolving some financial issues for which I needed internet access but once that is done I am getting professional assistance to erase and restore my drives to factory settings then reinstall programs.
Eventually I hope to have a state of the art fully loaded laptop so I can create post and write from anywhere inside or outside my house or gardens instead of cooped up in this hot stuffy home office. So from the most important to the most trivial i can conclude this and get some air before I return refreshed and less sticky.

 And thank you all for being here. Each of you is here because I find you interesting. I hope i don't disappoint you.


  1. Very puzzled. Now I can't find you on FB at all.


      i wonder if it is because i use my middle name on the blog to distinguish myself from another blogger who is deservedly more well known currently of the Endangered Species Coalition and lifelong environmentalist and whose name is also Brock Evans.

      This reveals i am overlooking the obvious as this would never have occurred to me. Regarding incomplete entries, I need more self discipline. FB focus on the brief frustrates me, my intention is to wrote focused edited essays on the blog then link them on the FB page. I get distracted easily, end up posting on FB planning to develop the posts for the blog. Now lately I have been pasting FB posts to the blog, not sure that is a good idea. My FB page is open.

      Eventually I would like to go more formal and tag stuff and publicize and see what happens. Thanks for paying attention.

